
(image for) Dunbar Goose Adapter

Dunbar Goose Adapter

Use this adapter to attach your practice chanter to your pipe bag so you can practice with your hands in a natural piping position. The Dunbar goose adapter has a small opening for the practice chanter - just 5/8". Dunbar and Duncan Soutar practice chanters will fit. Bannatyne and Marr practice chanters will fit if some hemp is removed. Gibson and Strathmore practice chanters will not fit.
(image for) Dunbar Plastic Pipe Chanter Reed Protector Cap

Dunbar Plastic Pipe Chanter Reed Protector Cap

Use a reed protector to keep your chanter reed safe when your chanter is out of your bag.
(image for) Economy Earplugs

Economy Earplugs

Nice backup to have in your case. Also good to keep several sets in the band case for visitors.
(image for) High Fidelity Ear Plugs

High Fidelity Ear Plugs

High fidelity hearing protection from Etymotic Research, Inc. These earplugs provide very good sound reduction (20 db) with only a small amount of tonal distortion. Most adults would use a large earplug. Children and adults with small ear canals would use the regular baby-blue earplug. Each set of earplugs come with a black cord and a protective carrying case.
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(image for) Reed Absorb

Reed Absorb

Pack of 12 small sponge discs that can be placed around the base of your practice chanter reed to extend your practice time. Only use with poly or laminate chanters. Do not use with wood chanters.
(image for) Reed Tubes

Reed Tubes

Use the smaller round tubes for smaller practice chanter reeds. (Henderson, Pipe Dreams, Soutar) Use the larger square tunes the pipe chanter reeds and larger practice chanter reeds. (Abbott, Gibson)
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(image for) Thumb Stops

Thumb Stops

Tool to help keep your thumb in place when practicing or playing.
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